Specialized Food Services Inc.

Pacific Hake

Also known as Pacific Whiting, found in the Pacific Ocean, Canadian waters. It is a slim fish with large eyes, having a typical size of 50cm long and weighing 1kg. Pacific Hake is a delicate, white-fleshed, and mild-tasting fish. It has a taste similar to Cod, although the flesh is somewhat softer and the flake smaller.

Product Information:

Scientific Name Merluccious productus
Origin Canada, West Coast of Vancouver Island & North Coast of Port Hardy in British Columbia
Source/Harvest Method Wild Caught – Mid Water Trawl
Availability Frozen at Sea (FAS) April – November in polywoven bags
      Land Frozen (LF) June – November in cartons (Interleaved)
Freezing Type IQF & Block Frozen
Product Forms HGT & W/R
Available Sizes As per the Buyer’s requirement
Packaging As per the Buyer’s requirement
Certificates HACCP, MSC, CFIA, FDA and EU Approvals